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Ticket Now On Sale

Our Beavers, Cubs and Scouts selling tickets in the surrounding areas this evening. Tickets are also available any Friday evening 6.30-9.30 from Greenmount Old School, anytime from Greenmount Butchers or Buy Tickets now online at

September 27, 2019 0

📅🎆🔥 Save The Date!!! 📅🎆🔥

It’s that time of year again!! We’ll be hosting our 50th Annual Bonfire and Firework Display on Saturday 2nd November!! Tickets will be available from: -Online from –– Greenmount Old School any Friday between 6 -9.30pm from 11th October 2019– Greenmount Butchers on Vernon Road (from 13th October 2019) – during normal opening hours

September 11, 2019 0